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Charging the Future of Electric Mobility

Energy and Environmental Design Services, LLC, headquartered in Boca Raton, FL is devoted our local communities and beyond. As a vast percentage of consumers worldwide choose to electrify their primary mode of transportation, our team is helping businesses anticipate the ever-increasing demand for accessible, easy-to-use, and affordable charging options.

We are comprised of a multidisciplinary team of certified installers, engineers, and technical support specialists who are compassionate about working with local municipalities, governmental agencies, and more sustainable environment for businesses throughout North America. Learn more today.

hand plugging in EV charger in front of sunrise

Full-Service EV Charging Integration Made Simple

We believe transitioning to technologies that save our planet shouldn’t be a hassle. At Energy and Environmental Design Services, LLC, we specialize in designing and developing innovative, efficient, affordable solutions custom-tailored to your location’s unique specifications. From workplaces and parking lots to retailers and fleet-operated companies, we’re enabling many industries to create a greener, more efficient Southeastern Florida and are interested in partnering with you and your business! Installing EV charging stations onto your property is the perfect way to save money on operational costs, boosts consumer traffic and engagement, and future-proof your business. Get in touch to get started today.

Invest in Our Future With Commercial EV Charging Technology

As the number of EVs on the road increase, the need for public EV charging stations becomes more apparent. Energy and Environmental Design Services, LLC is here to assist businesses of all industries in adapting to the changing consumer climate with premium EV charging equipment, intuitive software, and world-class installation services, along with ongoing maintenance and technical support.

There’s never been a better time to integrate EV technology into your operations. Discover how EV chargers can elevate the convenience and overall value of your property to a whole new level. Contact us today to discuss the detail of your project in a personal consultation. We look forward to serving you!

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